Charts and Sharing

Charts and Sharing | IPSE GO Features

We're excited to announce the latest enhancements to our cloud-based process simulation platform. IPSE GO supports now advanced charting capabilities.


Advanced Charting

Experience enhanced analytical capabilities with our new Temperature-Entropy and Temperature-Heat diagrams. These advanced charting tools, part of our comprehensive engineering simulation software, are designed to make complex thermal analyses more accessible and intuitive, enabling you to make more informed decisions. By visualizing data in these detailed diagrams, you can easily identify trends, optimize processes, and enhance system performance.

The advanced charting features, previously exclusive to IPSEpro, are now also available in the Advanced Power Plant Library within IPSE GO. This expansion ensures that users can access the same comprehensive charting capabilities that IPSEpro users have long enjoyed, providing a seamless experience across platforms.

A significant addition to this enhancement is the newly introduced Chart Manager in IPSE GO. This tool simplifies the process of generating and managing charts, offering users the flexibility to create detailed visual representations of their simulations.

With the Chart Manager, you can now effortlessly produce sophisticated charts that depict key aspects of your power generation processes, such as those found in steam power plant cycles or combined cycle cogeneration systems. This integration aligns with our commitment to providing top-tier power plant optimization software, enabling engineers to conduct in-depth thermodynamic optimization and improve powerplant performance.

The newly introduced Chart Manager in IPSE GO and the functionality to generate charts.
Two diagrams of a boiler. The first diagram offers a comprehensive view of the entire chart, while the second focuses on a magnified section of the chart for detailed analysis.

Enhanced Sharing Options

Sharing your IPSE GO projects is now more versatile and user-friendly, facilitating better collaboration and communication within your team and with external stakeholders:

  • Link Sharing: Easily create and distribute links for your projects, making them accessible to other IPSE GO users and even non-account holders, broadening your collaborative reach.
  • Live Updates: Enjoy real-time updates in your shared projects. This ensures that all collaborators are always up-to-date with the latest changes and developments, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of teamwork.
  • Expanded Sharing Possibilities: While group sharing was always an option, you can now share projects with individual users. This provides greater flexibility in collaboration, allowing for more targeted and secure sharing of your work.

To illustrate the seamless sharing experience, we invite you to explore our Shared Example Project. This example will give you a firsthand look at how shared projects in IPSE GO function, demonstrating the ease of use and the powerful collaboration tools at your disposal.


The latest enhancements to IPSE GO, including advanced charting and improved sharing options, significantly elevate the platform's functionality. These new features not only make complex analyses more intuitive and accessible but also enhance collaboration, ensuring that your team can work together more effectively and efficiently.

These updates are part of our commitment to continuously evolve and improve IPSE GO. Go and see all updates now in IPSE GO – no installation required. Not a user yet? Try our Free Trial and experience the full capabilities of IPSE GO.

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