The Process Simulation Environment IPSEpro
IPSEpro is a software system for calculating heat and mass balances and for simulating processes. It comprises a set of software modules for creating process models for a wide range of applications and for utilizing these models throughout the lifecycle of process plants.
IPSEpro's modules are used to:
- Calculate heat balances and predict design and off-design performance
Verify and validate measurements during acceptance tests.
Monitor and optimize plant performance on-line.
Plan modifications and upgrades of existing plants.

Advantages of IPSEpro
IPSEpro offers many advantages for customers including short implementation time, a uniform environment for process simulation related problems and a comfortable graphical user interface. Additionally IPSEpro users do not have to be computing specialists to simulate processes with state of the art numerical methods.
Learn MoreReady to use solutions are available for a wide range of applications including:
- Thermal Power
- Geothermal Energy
- Concentrating Solar Power
- Desalination
- Refrigeration
- Flue Gas Cleaning
- Biomass Gasification

Model Libraries
APP_Lib: Advanced Power Plant Library for modeling of a wide range of thermal power systems
What makes us Unique
Unlike with other programs, IPSEpro users are not restricted to predefined models and model libraries. Ready-to-use model libraries are available, but can be adapted to specific needs as well. New model libraries can be created easily by users, which makes IPSEpro the perfect tool for creating proprietary solutions.

The core of IPSEpro embeds a highly flexible modeling system for calculating heat balances and for simulating processes. IPSEpro goes far beyond the capabilities of other available heat balance programs. IPSEpro's Model Development Kit (MDK) introduces a unique level of flexibility by allowing you to create new component models or create completely new model libraries.
30+ Years of Experience