APP_Lib: Advanced Power Plant Library

APP_Lib, the Advanced Power Plant Library is used for modelling a wide range of thermal power systems. It supports both design and off-design analysis.

With the Advanced Power Plant Library the user can design and analyze any power plant, including:

  • Conventional Power Plants
  • Cogeneration Plants
  • Combined Cycle Plants
A process flowsheet using the Advanced Power Plant Library (APP_Lib) in IPSEpro.

The library supports both design of new plants as well as analysis and optimization of existing plants.  The component models included with the Advanced Power Plant Library represent an optimum balance between: 

  • ease of use
  • model accuracy
  • amount of required input data
  • flexibility

The Advanced Power Plant Library APP_Lib can be combined with other IPSEpro model libraries. It is frequently used together with the Gas Turbine Library (GT_Lib).

Advanced Power
Plant Library

Gas Turbines

Concentrating Solar
Power Library

Process Library

Process Library

Low Temperature Process Library

Flue Gas
Cleaning Library

Pyrolysis and Gasification Process Library

APP_Lib: Advanced Power Plant Library for modeling of a wide range of thermal power systems