We are very proud to announce that the development of the IPSEpro Online Platform was recognized by the Innovation Radar initiative of the European Commission, as an Innovation from the Horizon2020 project MIDES, with “Business Ready” Market Maturity and “High” Market Creation Potential by its Key-Innovator SimTech Simulations Technology.

Business Ready
This category includes innovations for which concrete market-oriented ideas have been put together (e.g. market studies, business plans, end-user engagement). They are considered ‘Advanced on market preparation’. Their commercialisation depends on progressing on technology development.
High Market Creation Potential
This innovation was assessed by the JRC’s Market Creation Potential indicator framework as having a “High” level of Market Creation Potential. Only innovations that are showing multiple signals of market creation potential are assigned a value under this indicator system.
Market Potential
This indicator relates to the demand and supply side of innovations. Regarding the demand side, it concerns the prospective market conditions and the chances of successful commercialisation. It aims to assess how products or services satisfy a market sector and serve a potential customer base. With respect to the supply side, it aims to assess whether there are potential barriers (e.g. regulatory frameworks or existing IPR issues) which could weaken the commercial exploitation of innovations.
The IPSEpro Online Platform was partially developed in the EU Horizon 2020 project MIDES No. 685793.
The IPSEpro Online Platform was partially developed in the EU Horizon 2020 project MIDES No. 685793.
You find more information about the Innovation Radar Recognition here:
SimTech-as-Key-Innovator-SME / IPSEpro_Online_Platform-as-Business-Ready-Innovation