SimTech participates in CoF 2019

The Cities of the Future 2019 (CoF 2019) is a Brokerage event organized by Tübitak in Brussels, Belgium on Friday, 8 November, 2019.
Cities of the Future - Brussels 2019

The event will bring together up to 300 participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research and industrial communities working on related fields. This is a unique opportunity to connect with Turkish and European researchers to discuss H2020 project ideas, and also to get first-hand information about the upcoming Horizon2020 calls.

SimTech will participate on this event and will take advantage of this excellent opportunity and platform to expand its network and create new partnerships for its potential projects and interests on the last calls of H2020. Besides the prearranged Face to Face meetings of the event, SimTech will make a presentation on the workshop dedicated to Energy Efficient Buildings, Islands and Cities.